Day 7-11 - 23/27 Sep 2015 - several activities

During Ied al-Adha holiday, I had several times to continue building this VW Beetle.

I put markings on the interior parts after the primer paint.
I'd like to have some lining highlight on the car-seats and door-trims as like crease/fold.

I painted another parts with Tamiya acrylic paint with brush.
One thing I learnt that avoid sweeping the brush in the same area when the paint was not dry yet.
Better swept the brush in one direction at the time.

Continue with the body, I did wet-sanding after first-layer panting.
I used sand-paper no 2000 and wiped it very-very gently.

When it dried, here was the result.

While waiting for "right time" to put another layer of paint on the body, I started to assemble the engine and gear-box.

As I mentioned in previous section painting the parts without detaching from the sprue, the cons were :
- some areas of the parts to be attached, covered with paint. Either the primer paint or the main paint. This cause gaps. And to fix this, I had to clean the areas.
- when gaps appears, putty must be used
Those will require re-paint.

I glued the parts and let it for about 24 hours.

Finally, I had time to paint the body.
The result was great.

I thought that was enough and would put coating layer later.

As I mentioned earlier, closing the gaps, putty must be used.

A bit messy, so I used masking tape to make the result more tidy.

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